20100707 Ireland Part 1

I had short 4 day holiday in Ireland. Too short time to explore the whole counry so I just scratched surface and concentrated to few key locations: Clare country (The Burren and cliffs of Moher), Galway county (Connemara mountains and other mountaind in the region) and Wicklow county. No cities - I enjoyed the more calm Ireland on countryside.

I enjoyed driving in Ireland, roads are narrow and have twisty curves. And they drive on "wrong" side of the road and seems that roundabouts are quite common in Ireland. I rented Nissan Qashqai, which surpriced positively; typically I hate steering in Japanese cars since they seem to require extra attention for being able to drive straight. Nissan had designed the steering very well and I actually enjoyed driving Qashqai. Only thing, which Nissan had not been thinking very well was the suspension's geometry; the wheels can only get some centimeters down from the position in which they are when car's weight rests on top of suspension. This did lead to that while driving over the sharper hills on the road the car lost contact to road. It's quite funny when car of this size gets airborne on public road while driving about the speed indicated by speed limit for the road.

Co. Clare 08 - Nissan Qashqai - Contax Vario-Sonnar T* 4/80-200 @ f/11, 1/15s, ISO 100:
Co. Clare 08

Below is first batch of images, I will publish few more batches later. There are for theme "mountains/hills in dynamic lightning created by clouds", images from Galway and Mayo counties.

Co. Galway 01 - Carl Zeiss Makro-Planar T* 2/100 @ f/11, 1/60s, ISO 100:
Co. Galway 01

Co. Galway 07 - Carl Zeiss Distagon T* 2.8/21 @ f/11, 1/125s, ISO 100:
Co. Galway 07

Co. Galway 08 - Carl Zeiss Distagon T* 2.8/21 @ f/8, 1/80s, ISO 100:
Co. Galway 08

Co. Galway 09 - Carl Zeiss Distagon T* 2.8/21 @ f/8, 1/80s, ISO 100:
Co. Galway 09

Co. Galway 19 - Carl Zeiss Distagon 2/28 @ f/9, 1/80s, ISO 100:
Co. Galway 19

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